Feature Toggle Framework List

Also known as Feature Bits and Feature Flags, here is a list of some of the frameworks you can find in the wild for your favorite language.

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Feature Flags in Java

  1. Togglz
  2. FF4J
  3. Fitchy
  4. Flip

Feature Flags in Python

  1. Gargoyle
  2. Gutter

Feature Flags in .NET, C#

  1. FeatureSwitcher
  2. NFeature
  3. FlipIt
  4. FeatureToggleNET
  5. List on NUget
  6. FeatureBee

Feature Flags in Ruby and Ruby on Rails

  1. rollout
  2. feature_flipper
  3. flip
  4. setler
  5. switches
  6. FluidFeatures